As of late December 2000, a flurry of patching began leaving Software Refinery. What the patches do to the game are described on the Patch News Page.
At present, this site doesn't offer Software Refinery's patches directly. You will need to go to their site by clicking any of their links on this page. You'll will need to register to establish a user name. They email you a password. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and get your password. I haven't had any spam or problems with Software Refinery in the two years I've dealt with them.
Once you get your password, go back to their main page and log in first. Now go to the Hardwar section (just click the icon of Hardwar's box) and go to the "Upgrades" section. The most current patch will be available there. They've been running around 1.6 MB. Not too big.
If you have any technical problems with a patch, try posting to both Software Refinery's forum and this site's bulletin board. If a solution is available, it will be posted within a day generally. Always feel free to write me with any problems you come across and I'll do all I can to help.